Advance Planning Saves Lives
Fire departments face ongoing challenges with outdated 2D plans for buildings. Every time there is a loss in a building, there is a risk of dispatching personnel with incorrect information.
Visual Plan offers a fast and cost-effective method for creating accurate 2D / 3D visual floor plans and much more. The software enables users to accurately measure, mark industry symbols, make notes, attach photos and add training videos in a virtual 360 ° tour. Fire commanders will have all the details when it matters, and pre-planning becomes much more effective using visual environments.
Prepare, train, and prepare for critical incidents using Visual Plan.
“Visual Plan is an invaluable tool for Firefighter professionals!”
– Randy Watson, SEA, Ltd.

Incident Response
Visual plan offers a detailed and visual account of the facilities. Dispatchers can provide specific details to first responders during critical incidents. Examples include Y locations and distances for starting systems, the height to a specific window to confirm the last length, or if a hose is long enough to reach certain hydrants. More than just a 2D plan, Visual Plan captures it all. Furniture and its features can also become critical during an incident response.
Virtual Training
Fire crews can have their team virtually visit multiple buildings in a single afternoon without ever leaving their department. Large facilities and buildings can be covered in minutes and multiple scenarios can be practiced more effectively than ever.

Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts using Visual Plan can virtually inspect Subject Matter Experts using Visual Plan can virtually inspect provide detailed feedback without traveling. Software measurement tools allow experts to explore distances between alarms, sprinkler systems, exit points or key areas that provide quick data to help determine the origin and cause or help establish faults.

Insurance Subscription
Visual Plan insurance documentation pre- and post-incident can dramatically reduce claim times and the cost of travel and claims. Pre-incident documentation is an ideal way to validate damage and assist with the survey.
Health Security
EHS: Environmental, health and safety standards are a great challenge for Firefighter professionals at risk of hazardous environments. With Visual Plan, there is less need to revisit the previously photographed incident scene, so investigators can effectively work the case in a safe environment.
Safe Expertise
Visual Plan removes the expert from the scene of dangerous incidents. Once a scene has been captured, it can be reviewed at almost any time in the future. During fire investigations this is especially important as most buildings are destroyed and the scene cannot be searched.
Real Time Web Access
Visual Plan is a secure web application that works on most mobile devices. Accessing critical information when en route to responding to an emergency can provide valuable details to help save lives.
Visual Courts of Justice
In court, walk the jury through a scene without having to be physically there. Offer evidence support and reduce costs while presenting them in a demonstrative and convincing way.
“Pre-Incident Planning Is Fire Rescue Intelligence For Aggressive Strategies-Offensive Or Defensive. Pre-Incident Planning Combined With Experience, The Incident Commander Becomes A Risk Evaluator. Without A Plan The Incident Commander Is A Risk Taker. “
– David Loh, Broward County Fire Department